Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Be perfected through Jesus Christ

Dear Mr. Perfect,

First things first, I know you're out there. This blog should really be called, "Dear Mr.Trying to be Perfect. Anyways, considering you're "perfect" and all (or atleast striving to be better everyday), I've deiced I need to do as much as I can to prepare myself to meet you, so that you can fall madly in love with me, and so that we can live happily ever after. (I'm a dork, I know.)

 I went to a fireside where John Bytheway was speaking a few years ago. He said something like, " You marinate in your friends and acquaintances, and you become more and more like them as you spend your time around them." ect. Therefor, be very wise on who you choose to be your friends. On another note, my brother +Stephen ElĂ­as Coffman , used to tell me that you attract the kind of people that you are. SO, if you want a future spouse who is humble, and kind  or outgoing, you should try to have those qualities yourself. Therefor, if you want someone who is perfect, you  should try to be perfect as well. Although, there is only ONE simple way to become perfect though, and that is through our Savior, Jesus Christ. He is the ONLY one who has ever lived a perfect life on this earth so it's EXTREMELY important to pay attention to his attributes. Some of those attributes are: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-Control, Forgiving, Humility, Fairness, Courage, Friendship, Honesty & Truthfulness, Dependable, Gratitude, and the list literally goes on and on. 

It's a new year, and it's time for a new start; it's time to be perfected in Jesus Christ. For all those who read this, I challenge you to work REALLY hard this year on developing some of the qualities of Jesus Christ.

There is a really good video on the LDS church website that tells us all about Jesus and how he lived his life. If you'd like, check it out! Here's the link! https://www.lds.org/youth/video/christlike-attributes?lang=eng